Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Aggregator Stage in Datastage || Examples & Tutorial

 In This Page We are Providing Information like Aggregator Stage in Datastage, processing stage In IBM Info Sphere Datastage, Aggregator Stage in Datastage Example, Aggregator Stage in Datastage Server, Aggregator Stage in Datastage ibm, Aggregator Stage in Datastage 7.5, Datastage, ETL, Datastage Tutorial, Datastage Training, Datastage Course, Datastage Lessons, Aggregator Stage in Datastage 8.1,  Aggregator Stage in Datastage 8.5, DataStage, workload automation, DataStage Integration Information.

Aggregator Stage:
1.The Aggregator stage is a processing stage In IBM Info Sphere Datastage.
2. Aggregator Stage in Datastage classifies data rows from a single input link into groups and computes totals or other aggregate functions for each group. The summed totals for each group are output from the stage via an output link.
The Aggregator Stage in Datastage editor has three pages:
Stage Page. This is always present and is used to specify general information about the stage.
Input Page.This is where you specify details about the data being grouped or aggregated.
Output Page. This is where you specify details about the groups being output from the stage.
Aggregator stage general tab Options:

1.Grouping Keys:

1.Gropuing Keys:
Group=Specifies an input column you are using as a grouping key.

Grouping Keys
Ø  Group
§  CaseSensitive=True/False

2. Aggrigations:

Aggregation type
Whether to perform calculation(s) on column(s), re-calculate on previously created summary columns, or count rows.

Ø  Calculation
Ø  Count of Rows
Ø  Re-Calculation

Aggregation type=Calculation
Column for calculation=Column name

If u given the column name then it asks

1.Corrected sum of squares output column
Name of column to hold the corrected sum of squares of data in the aggregate column.

->Decimal output=?
1.Maximum value output column
Name of column to hold the maximum value encountered in the aggregate column.
->Decimal output=?
2.Mean  Value output column

->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the mean value of data in the aggregate column.

3.Minimum  Value output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the minimum value encountered in the aggregate column.

4. missing values
Specifies what constitutes a 'missing' value, for example -1 or NULL. Enter the value as a floating point number.

5.missing values count  output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the count of the number of aggregate column fields with values in them.

6. Percentage Coefficient of variation output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the percent coefficient of variation of data in the aggregate column..

7.Preserve type=True/False
True means that the datatype of the output column is derived from the input column when calculating minimum value, maximum value.

8.Range output Column:
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the range of values in the aggregate column (maximum - minimum).

9.Standard derivation output column:
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the standard deviation of data in the aggregate column.

10. Standard Error output column:
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the standard error of data in the aggregate column.

11.sum  of weights output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the sum Of weights of data in the aggregate column. (See Weighting Column.)

12.sum  output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the sum of data in the aggregate column.

13.Summary output column
->Decimal output=?
Name of sub record column to which to write the results of the reduce or rereduce operation.

14.un corrected sum of  squares ouput column
->Decimal output=?
Name of column to hold the uncorrected sum of squares for data in the aggregate column.

15.Variance output column                                           
->Decimal output=?
->Variance Devisor=?
Name of column to hold the variance of data in the aggregate column.

16.weighting column
Increment the count for the group by the contents of the weight field for each record in the group, instead of by 1. (Applies to: Percent Coefficient of Variation, Mean Value, Sum, Sum of Weights, Uncorrected Sum of Squares.)

Ø   Allow null output=True/False
True means that NULL is a valid output value when calculating minimum value, maximum value, mean value, standard deviation, standard error, sum, sum of weights, and variance. False means 0 is output when all input values for calculation column are NULL.
Ø  Method=Hash/Sort

Use hash mode for a relatively small number of groups; generally, fewer than about 1000 groups per megabyte of memory. Sort mode requires the input data set to have been partition sorted with all of the grouping keys specified as hashing and sorting keys.

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