Saturday, 15 July 2017

Career in Chartered Accountancy, Careers and Career Option

CA Careers : Courses, Jobs

Recently, CA courses are becoming increasingly popular. Many students are interested in it because of the changes. Let's learn about this course in this background and the possibility of completing it!
'Very difficult; 10- 15 years to work. 16-18 hours a day to read "- so far we have heard about the CA course. But the situation has changed.

'Anyone can read this course. Complete employers have a wide range of employment opportunities. There are now more than ten lakh CAs in our country '-a view on the CA course.

Not once did the CA do not have proper understanding or misunderstanding on this course. But in accordance with the changing times, CA Institute- ICAI has modified the course of the course.

The CA has three phases: CPT, IPCC and CA Final. At least 4 years after the course completion of this course; It takes six years after the classification.

Registration is mandatory for CA practitioners. Approximately Rs. 6,000, for IPCC Rs. 9,000, another Rs.2,000 for the article; Around Rs. 10,000 registration fees.

After 10TH CA: CA student will have to write a CPT test after the student int. This includes Mathematics, Economics, Accounts and Law Subjects. Therefore, they are part of their curriculum to all the other subjects except the MEC who have chosen Inter. That's why students reading CA are increasing now. The former glory comes back to the ecommerce core MEC. It should be noted that all the corporate colleges and MEC groups have been introduced in the state only to science courses till today.

Common Proficiency Test (CPT)

Siptiyai is held as a joint entrance test across the country every year in June and December. Accounts for 60 marks, Mercantile Law 40 marks, Economics 50 Marks, Mathematics and Statistics combine 50 marks. Each subjects have at least 30% marks and four subjects combined with 50% more than 100 marks. Students who have completed SIPPI will have to write an IPC exam 9 months later. The ICAI is entitled to directly join the CA IPCC with the exception of the CPT examination for students eligible for Degree and PG.

Integrated Professionals Competency Course (IPCC)

IPCC exams will be carried out in May and November every year. The IPCC has two groups.

Group-1: The 100% marks for 100 of the Accounts, 100% for Law & Ethics & Communication, 100% of the Income Tax, Service Tax, VAT 100 marks, Testing and Financial Management.

Group-2: Advanced accounting for 100 marks, auditing 100 marks, Information Technology, Strategic Management 100 marks. Each group must have at least 40 marks in each subjects. 50% marks on the whole group, ie 150- marks should be achieved. Depending on the student, the two groups can simultaneously separate / separate each group with a 6-month difference. In the course of the Orientation course, the 100-hour course in information technology training should be passed.


Students who have completed Group-1 passed in Group-1 in the IPCC must complete Article Three of the Professional Chartered Accountant. These students are paid a monthly salary of Rs. It is useful for those who want to learn to burden on the parents. The article will finalize the final examination in the next six months.

CA Final: CA Final is also Group-1 and Group-2. Examinations will be held annually in May and November. Financial Reporting for 100 marks in Group-1, 100 of Strategic Financial Management, Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics 100 Marks, Corporate & Elite Los 100 marks will be tested.

Advanced Management Accounting in Group-2 for 100 marks, Information Systems Control & Audit 100 marks, Direct Tax 100 marks and Index Tax 100 marks. In the final of the CA, at least 40 marks in each subject, each group / two groups will have to score 50% marks.

Inter teaching school CA

With the aim of the All India Ranking, the leading Educational Institutions in the state offer Intermittent Lifestyle Sippy Coaching. The students who trained in the first year of the year are trained by trained CELs to achieve the best of all India.

The first three ranks of the results of the recently released CA results are available to our Telugu students.

It is easy to get jobs with attractive degree of professional dignity at the age of 21 at the age of 21. If you have CPT training,

Other: CA Interviewer can also read CA. Inter-MIC / MPC / BIPPC / CEC / HCC Any group can read the CA course.

CA half done: Accountant Technician Course Introduction for CA Seaters. If the student is not able to complete the IPCC, the Accounting Technician Certificate will be awarded if the Article-1 on the Chartered Accountant is completed by a year. The industry has a unique identity and international demand. With this certificate, you can get salary at least Rs 30,000 per month as an accountant in government and non-governmental organizations.

Which of the MPCs / MECs?

Inter groups are eligible to read CA. Those who come from MPC are also eligible. But those who come from the MEC can read the CA Orientate from the Junior Inter and hold on the basics. When the senior intermediaries are over, the CPT test will be easy to write. This leaves them for 9 months. If they are the same MPC, they will have to prepare for SBIP coaching for 9 months after the interruption.

*Jobs: Managing Directors of Companies, Finance Controller, Chief Accountants Officer, Marketing Manager, Finance, Accounts Executives, Plant Accountants, System Implementers, Techno Functionalists. Jobs are also available as Trustee, Administrator, Volume, Management Consultant, and Tax Consultants.

Unpaid income: What you read in commerce, how much you have read job opportunities. Rs. From the 50,000 earning accountants to a financial consultant who earns 18- 20 crore annually, there are unlimited opportunities and non-availability of income in the commerce sector.


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