What is Transformer Stage in IBM Info Sphere Data Stage ?
What is Transformer Stage in IBM Info Sphere Data Stage, IBM Info Sphere Data Stage Tutorial, IBM Info Sphere Data Stage Online Training, Transformer Stage in Data stage Tutorial, Transformer Stage in Data stage Online Training, Transformer Stage in Data stage Videos.
Transformer Stage in IBM Info Sphere Data Stage Tutorial :
Trans former stage in IBM Info Sphere Data Stage plays major role in data stage .it is used to modify the data, apply some functions while populating data from source to target
It takes one input link and gives one (or) more than one output links.
It has 3 components
1. Stage variable
2. Constraints
3. Derivations (or) Expressions
1. Transformer stage can works as copy stage and filter stage
2. Transformer stage requires C++ Compiler .it convert high level data into machine language
Double click on transformer stage àdrag and drop of required target columnsàClick Ok
Each Transformer stage contains only one stage variable and, each target table contains only one constraints and each target column contains only one derivation.
The order of execution of components is
1. Stage variable
2. Constraints
3. Derivations
How to work transformer as filter stage (or) how to apply constraints in the transformer stage:
Double click on trans former stage àdouble click on constraint àagain double on particular link àclick on this window à it provides all information’s automatically and view Constraints àfor reject link click other wise.
Example Derivation:
If Sale_Id <300 then Amount_Sold=Amount_Sold+300
Else if Sale_Id>300 and Sale_Id<600 then Amount _Sold=Amount_Sold+600
Else if Sale_Id>600 and Sale_Id<1000 then Amount _Sold=Amount_Sold+1000 Else Amount_Sold=Amount_Sold+100
Transformer stage Data Stage provides some Functions and other information’s those are
1. Ds Macro
2. Ds routine
3. Job parameter
4. Input column
5. Stage Variables
6. System Variables
7. String
8. Function
9. Parenthesis
10. If Then Else
1. Ds Macro:
Ds Macro provides some built in Functions like
- DsProjectName()
- DsJobName()
- DsHostName()
- DsJobStartDate()
- DsJobStartTime()
- DsJobStartTimeStamp()
2. Ds routine:
It is nothing but set up functions
3. Job parameters:
Job parameters are nothing but some variables. these are used to reduce the redundancy of work
4. Input columns:
It provides all input column names
5. Stage variables:
Stage variables are used to increase the performance and to reduce the redundancy of work
How to define stage variable properties:
Click on stage variable àright click on stage variable àselect stage variable propertiesàdefine stage variables
6. Stage variables:
It contain some built in functions like
INROWNUM and OUTROWNUM provides how many records are loading into transformer stage and how many records extracted from transformer stage ,Num Portion tells how many nodes is handled
7. String:
It provides information with in double quotation hard coded value
8. Functions:
There are several built functions in data stage
1. Date&Time
2. Logical
3. Mathematical
4. Null Handling
5. Number
6. Raw
7. String
8. Type Conversion
9. Utility
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