Sunday, 23 February 2014

IBM Infosphere Data stage 8.1 Notes | Examples | Real Time Scenario's

IBM Infosphere Data stage 8.1 Notes & Examples & Real Time Scenario's


*  Introductionabout Data stage

*  Difference between server jobs and Parallel jobs

*  Pipeline parallelism and Partition Parallelism

*  Partition Techniques

*  Configuration file

*  Processing Environment

*  Data Stage Client and Server Components

Data stage Designer

Introduction about Data stage Designer



Types of Links

File Stages

Database Stages

*  Oracle Enterprise

*  ODBC Enterprise

*  Dynamic RDBMS

Processing Stages

*  Aggregator

*  Change Apply

*  Change Capture

*  Compare

*  Compress

*  Copy

*  Decode

*  Difference

*  Encode

*  Expand

*  Filter

*  Funnel

*  Generic

*  Join

*  Look up

*  Merge

*  Modify

*  Pivote

*  Remove Duplicate

*  External Filter

*  Sort

*  Surrogate Key Generator

*  Switch

*  Transformer

Debugging Stages

*  Column Generator

*  Head

*  Peek

*  Row Generator

*  Sample

*  Tail

Datastage Manager

*  Introduction about Data stage Manager

*  Importing the Jobs

 Exporting the Jobs

Data Stage Practice Bits

Data Warehousing

ETL, ETL Data Stage, ETL Tool Data Stage, Data Stage, Data Stage Full Notes, IBM Infosphere Data Stage Full Notes, IBM Infosphere Data Stage 8.1 & 8.5 & 8.7 Full Notes, IBM Infosphere Data Stage 8.1 & 8.5 & 8.7 Practice Bits, IBM Infosphere Data Stage 8.1 & 8.5 & 8.7 Realtime Scenario's, IBM Infosphere Data Stage 8.1 & 8.5 & 8.7 Examples, IBM Infosphere Data Stage 8.1 & 8.5 & 8.7 Tutorial, IBM Data Stage, Data Ware Housing Concepts, Data Ware Housing


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