Thursday, 29 June 2017

Different Courses after Inter

Those who have completed Inter are concentrated mainly on Engineering and Medical courses. Besides, other courses like commerce, law and arts are offered by universities in the state as well as in other states. Let's get to know about this.

There are two ways before the intermediate students. They have higher education and employment. Different conditions contribute to the choice of what's in this two. People who do not have to do the job quickly focus on higher education. If you know that there are prospects for higher education, you will find the way to the bottom of the hobby. Take the view of the future and make a decision. We are providing useful information. Check.

  • Engineering
  • Want to become a doctor?
  • For the traditional degree ..
  • Commerce courses
  • Engineering

MPC: This group has a huge demand for mathematics. This is a group of people who want to stay in the engineering profession mainly. The group will be eligible for EAMCET in the state. The MPC is the foundation for engineering in the fields of civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, computers, aeronautics, agriculture / industrial. The group will have to pass the first grade of the National Institute of Technology, Triple AI, and the National Examination IIT (IIT-JEE) to enter the prestigious IITs.

MPC students are entitled to write 'BitSat' for entry into Bitspilani. The 'IASAT' is going to enter the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, which is designed to create students in aerospace and aeronautics. Inter students who have passed at least 70% marks in the first effort in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are eligible for this test.

After completing Intermediate with the MDC, the student will have two basic options in our state. They are ..

2. B.Sc.

Based on the rank of EAMCET the student will have a seat in the four year engineering course. A number of engineering courses will be available on the basis of student rank and hobby basis.


There are courses with different combinations of BSc.

.. They are: Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry, Mathematics-Physics-Electronics, Mathematics-Physics-kampyutarsains Mathematics-Statistics-Computer Science, Mathematics-Chemistry-Industrial Chemistry, Mathematics-Physics-Geology, Mathematics-electronics-Geology, Chemical Technology , Merchant Navy, Dairy Technology, Sugar Technology, Geology-Physics-Chemistry, BSC Forensic Etc.

Want to become a doctor?

BPC: As a doctor, veterinary doctor or other medical profession, those who want to settle in the BP will be preferred. The qualities that the students should be able to read and write well. BiPC students can join MBBS and BD courses through Neet. Elizabeth can study courses such as AGBC, BAMS and BHMS. B.Sc. Nursing can be selected for many paramedical courses. Those who are not likely can join BSc course with various subjects. Pharmaceutical industry, laboratories, hospitals and research centers are more likely to have a Bipi background.

Commerce courses

MEC, CEC: Indian economy is growing significantly. The service sector plays a major role in the gross domestic product. As a result, e-commerce graduates are increasing opportunities for the day. Those looking towards the service, science and arts groups who are not interested in calculations, statistics, commerce subjects, MEC, commerce, economics, civics subjects, MEC and CEICs. Those who want to get jobs in chartered accountants, company secretaries, commercial loyalists, bank manager, chartered financial analysts and tax auditors can choose these groups who want to get jobs in the insurance companies and stock markets. The study of both mathematics and commerce subjects will pave the way for better employment opportunities. CEA, ICWA, Business Management and Computer Education. Over the past few years, interest in these sectors has increased. This is why the number of individuals who are selecting groups as a subdomain in Inter is also growing ................. 

For the traditional degree ..

Arts Groups: Those who are interested in competitive examinations have joined the arts groups in the past. The students are not going to join the groups now and they are dying out. In recent times, the demand for these groups is increasing again, as the number of engineering students has increased and employment opportunities have declined. Some of the competitions of the UPSC will get good scores in these groups. These groups are also in the process of joining social sciences (social, cultural, political, and economic subjects) degree. Knowledge in foreign languages ​​can get many opportunities. Currently there is a lot of demand for translators who are fluent in languages ​​like Korean, Chinese and Spanish.

In the inter-group MPC, BIPPC, MEC, CEC, HCC ... Even if any group is in the direction of teaching, it is good to join the Diet by Dietet.

Inter students deserve state level lasset and national level cloth exams. Those who wish to enter the profession of attorney must write these tests.

After intermediate, CA can join ICWA and CS Courses. Those who are interested also can go for courses like hotel management, pilot etc.

Distance Education: Those who do not regularly degrees will have the opportunity to interpret the distance by intermittent inter. Almost all universities offer distance learning.


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