Thursday, 7 November 2013

NMDC Recruitment Notification 2013 for 12 CEO, Manager Govt Jobs in Hyderabad

Welcome to NMDC Recruitment Notification 2013 in Hyderabad for CEO and Sr.Manager, Manager,Dy Manager, Asst Manager Jobs in Andhrapradesh. Office of the R & P, NMDC Ltd, 10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad is Issued Manager's Recruitment Notification 2013 in NMDC. Candidates  must possess Degree in Mining Engineering ,and Mechanical Engineering/ Instrumentation/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Mineral Processing Engineering/  Metallurgy from a recognized University/ Institute and with relevant field experience. eligible for this CEO and Manager jobs in Hyderabad . Applicants age limit is belween 45 years to 65 Years as on 11/11/2013 will be applicable as per Govt. of India rules. NMDC Notification 2013 offered CEO and Manager Jobs. According to NMDC Recruitment 2013 the number of CEO Jobs and Manager Jobs in Hyderabad are Twelve (12). CEO Jobs in NMDC and Manager Jobs in NMDC are contract based jobs. The eligible candidates  for NMDC Notification 2013 in Hyderabad can apply required for application in prescribed format such as Candidate full details and Educational , Cast, Experience Certificates attached and submit at given address  and For NMDC Jobs in Hyderabad eligible candidates should apply before 11th of November 2013 and this would be the last date of application submission for Manager Jobs in NMDC Hyderabad. NMDC Recruitment 2013 selection process is based on Performence in Interview.  For more details about NMDC Jobs in Hyderabad as Andhrapradesh Govt jobs 2013 of NMDC Recruitment Notification 2013 in Hyderabad refference to NMDC Jobs 2013 for  please visit or NMDC Careers of the Organization.
Full Details of  job information:
Name of Organization
NMDC Limited, Andhrapradesh
Post Name
CEO and Manager's.
Website Name :
The official website of Bailadila Iron Ore Mines is
Number of Vacancies
NMDC offered  Twelve (12) Vacancies.
NMDC offered Manager Vacancies are 12
1. Mechanical: 06 posts
        Sr. Manager(E4)
        Dy. Manager(E2)
        Asst. Manager(E1)
2. Electrical/Instrumentation: 01 post
        Dy. Manager(E2)
        Asst. Manager(E1)
3. Mineral Processing: 03 posts
        Deputy Manager(E2)
        Asst. Manager(E1)
4. Metallurgy: 01 post
        Deputy Manager(E2)
        Asst. Manager(E1)
5. Quality Engineer: 01 post
        Deputy Manager(E2)
NMDC offered CEO Vacancie also.
Selection Process
Applicants will be selected based on their performance in the interview.
Education Qualification
Manager's : Candidates must possess Degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Instrumentation/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Mineral Processing Engineering/ Metallurgy from a recognized University/ Institute and with relevant field experience.
CEO : Candidates must possess graduation in Mining Engineering with relevant experience.
Age Limit
Manager's Candidates age limit should be various Managers Posts have defferent ages such as 50 years for Sr. Manager (E4), 45 years for Manager (E3), Dy. Manager (E2), Asst. Manager (E1) as on 11-11-2013. Age relaxation will be applicable as per rules.
CEO : Maximum age shall not exceed 65 years.
How to Apply for this job:
Manager's :
Interested candidates can send their detailed biodata with giving details of educational qualifications and along with attached copies of all certificates, affixing recent pass port size photograph on the top right side of the application in an envelop super scribing as the Employment Notification No., and post name must reach to the Asst. General manager (Personnel)- (R & P) NMDC Ltd, 10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad – 500 028 on or before 11-11-2013.

Interested candidates can send their bio-data with particulars mentioned in the notification, affixing passport size photograph, supporting documents of age,qualification & experience etc
to the Asst. General manager (Personnel)-(R&P), NMDC Ltd, 10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad – 500 028 on or before 29-11-2013.

Important dates :
Manager's :Last date of application submission is 11 of November 2013.
CEO : Last date of application submission is 29 of November 2013.
Click here to more details about Manager Jobs :
Click here to more details about CEO Jobs :
Click here for more details


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